Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wardrobe Contest: Defeated!

Wow, I can't believe I did it! And I can't believe that it all works so well together. I've learned so much during this process, and met some amazing people here and over at PR. I don't know if I would've made it without all the support. Thank you!

I can see how much my sewing skills have improved from my first piece, the brown faux wrap top to the final piece, the corduroy jacket. I've learned to appreciate not only a well constructed article of clothing, but having the inside of the garment look as nice as the outside. I've discovered the joy of hand sewing, which I've always despised. And I've also discovered that I need a lot more practice fitting pants (that is another post entirely). Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virtue.

So thanks again to everyone for your support and help! And a special thanks to my wonderful photographer, Jen, who did a great job capturing my wardrobe, despite the incompetence of her model.


    You did it, and it all looks absolutely beautiful. Well done. It's been fab watching you all the way through it.

  2. Wow, congrats! I think they all look so great!! I'm still a bit scared to try pants. I'm not sure why, but I keep putting it off.

  3. congratulations!!!! what a fabulous achievement!!!

  4. Defeated?? "Patience is a Virtue. Virtue is a Grace. When you put them together, you get a Very Pretty Face." I grew up with this wee rhyme...
    Rhonda in Montreal ;)

  5. Thanks!

    @Michelle: Pants are hard! Or at least, I found them hard. I've been told that Burda pants are constructed fairly well, so maybe one of theirs would be a better one to start with.

    @Rhoto: Cute rhyme!

  6. I'm so pleased to have met you through the contest.

    The thing about Burda is that the pattern doesn't help you much. They're well drafted but the instructions are almost TRYING to trip you up. Good luck. I can help if you need it.

    Well done on the contest, by the way. I was so pleased when you got your jacket done at the last minute. That's style.

  7. Great job! I love the colors you've chosen & I have to say the jacket is my favorite. So glad you got it done!


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