Monday, January 27, 2014

Pants: V2.2 - Nearly There!

Alright, I'm not going to babble much a lot apparently.  Or at least, I'll try not to.  I think I've gone about as far as I'm going to with these pants for now.  I am so sick of looking at my butt in photos.  There's no waistband attached yet, but I was just trying to get the pattern into useable shape.  My next step is to trim down seam allowances, rip these apart and trace off the pattern, then resew them.

But not today.  Oh goodness, not today.

NOTE: I did a bunch more alterations on the left leg (on right side above) to narrow up the pants from WHY SO DAMN WIDE to wearable.  Instead of trying to duplicate this on the other leg, I'm just going to deal with it when I recut these, and try to remember which leg to trace off for the pattern.

Sorry for the crummy photo - the inner-most seamlines are the real ones.
Considering that I took off a total of 3 inches of width (which, might I remind you, is doubled, so actually 6 inches of width cripes), it shouldn't be hard to figure that one out.  But this is me, so...

Snipped off bit of fabric shows you just how much I lowered and scooped out the crotch seam. Don't know if it made any amount of different, other than adding more greys to my hair.  WHATEVER CROTCH CURVE I'LL DEAL WITH YOU MORE LATER.
I spent all day yesterday, futzing with the blasted crotch curve.  SO TIRED OF LOOKING AT WRINKLY BUMS OMG.  I gave up.

Here's my bum. Be glad this is the only one I'm posting.  You're welcome.
It fits about the same as my RTW - which isn't great, but I'm tired of bums that aren't my boyfriend's.  I suspect half the problem here is that I've *ahem* put on a bit of weight since last April, and they're a bit...tight.  I'm going to add about 1/8th inch to the seam allowance when I resew these, just to take them from obscenely tight to (hopefully) snug.  And I think I need to slap some patch pockets on those cheeks, because wow that's a lot of denimed bum.

Front is looking wrinkly, but this mostly because there's no waist band and oh dear god are they tight across the hips.  I like them tight though.  So obviously I'll need to hike them up with a good waistband.  That little wite line in the second photo shows where I want the bottom of the 2.25 inch waistband to go.  Thereabouts, anyways.  And yeah wow, need to take out that side seam at the hips a bit.

Anyways, I've babbled way too much about these.  Here is where they stand.  Will do more tweaks when I resew this.  Tomorrow though, I'm going to tell you about that sweater I'm wearing!


  1. They are looking seriously good Heather, the fit looks great at the front once the waistband is on and the back is fine, you have to have some wrinkles so you can still move in them!
    Great job, you'll have some really good fitting pants once you're done and then you'll also have a TNT crotch curve and waist/hip sloper you can use to adjust future pants (so you won't have to go through all this fitting ever again!)

    1. I DON'T EVER WANT TO DO THIS AGAIN. *headdesk* Well, I want to make pants, just not go through this again. But good point on the sloper. And those butt wrinkles - didn't think about mobility! :D Thanks for all of your help with the fitting, btw!

  2. Those look so good! You did a great job with the fitting. They will be nice when done!

  3. I am in awe of your pants making skillz. I think that is the last thing I would ever try to sew. I hate shopping for comfortable pants. I don't even like wearing pants unless they're super comfy types. So, that's pretty incredible work. I love the fit, too.

    1. AHA AHA AHA. This nearly is the last thing I've ever sewn, cripes it took me forever to work up the nerve to try them. And even then, I started these last March and then I got scared away. lol!

      I've realized that I am very much a pants person. I like skirts, but pants are my go-to garment, so I'd better get over my fear of sewing them!

  4. I think they look good, I appreciate your frustration though, that can't have been fun. I think pockets are an excellent idea, they would look more RTW. After all that you have done, top stitching pockets should seem easy by comparison.

    1. I think that pockets will help hide a lot of the fit if they don't work out so nice back there. After all, isn't that how it works with RTW? I should maybe pick up some shiny bling to help distract, or would that just attract more attention to the bad bits?

      Oh whatever, I have a fantastic butt, people can stare at it in wonder all they'd like.


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