Sunday, December 29, 2013

Cheeky Dishcloths from Grandma

These colourful dishcloths arrived from my Grandma as my Christmas gift this year.  It's a great gift all on it's own, as I've been wanting to make dishcloths since we have, literally, only 2 of them, but haven't quite gotten around to it.  But it's an even better gift when you hear the background behind them.

"Do you recognize this yarn that you left as 'scraps'? for me. Well - I'm sending you my scraps of same yarn!"

Sitting on top of these cloths was this envelope.  See, back when I was packing up my apartment to move up to the Yukon, I came across a bag of partial balls of cotton yarn, left overs from when I made this pillow:

Since I was downsizing, I offered the bag to my Grandma, who makes more dishcloths in a month than most people do in their lifetimes.  I guess she just came across the bag again recently and got an idea of what to do with it.

Of course, my Grandma is a little cheeky, so inside the envelope was this:

So hmm, what can I make with these itty bitty bits to send back to her?  Suggestions?


  1. What a great gift. How about doing a little cross stitch picture with the remaining yarn?

  2. Knit a little Christmas ornament? You could use a cat toy pattern. I love the dishcloths by the way, they are awesome!

    1. She doesn't have any pets, and I'm not sure if there's enough to knit much of anything. I live Ruthie's idea above, of cross-stitching something out of it. Maybe into an ornament? :)

  3. I have to say, I'd love to receive a set of handknit dishcloths. What an awesome present!

    1. I know, right?! She's given me dishcloths before, but they didn't make it up to the Yukon with me. These are extra special though, just because of the story behind them! :)

  4. Those are so cute! My mom knits some of those sometimes for me. :) Is there enough to make drink coasters out of the bits?


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